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Understanding Of Yoga And Ayurveda's For Balanced Life

Last Upadte : 2023-06-21 12:21:53

According to Ayurveda ,health and disease have the same source i.e.. balance or imbalance of vital elements. Health is being at ease, whereas the absence of ease is 'Dis-ease'. Its well known fact that when the physical body dis-eased; it impacts the mental state as well and vice versa. Therefore , it's of utmost importance to keep all elements in the body in harmony. Here comes importance of 'SPIRITUALITY' - Spirituality is  ' a sense of meaning and purpose in life, finding self love, hope and balance, mindfulness, love relationship and connections, guiding principals, morals and values '. 
Through Yoga and Ayurveda we can maintain healthy mind , body and soul connections. Ayurveda aims at brining balance to the physical body while yoga on the other hand aims to transcend the body consciousness. They may look counter intuitive but both serve the purpose of SOUL Growth.  Some practices sharing to raise our PRANA. I am just sharing some tips which can help you to raise our vibrations and vitality. This is just for beginners.  
1. SUN- Sitting in sun for 10 min daily in the morning can do wonders. Sun can disinfect our body and Generate vitamin D, and regulate our sleep rhythms. Sun also nurtures our soul by empowering SOLAR PLEXUS(MANIPURA CHAKRA). It improves our will power and sense of Self.  
2. MOON- Represents MIND. You are all must noticed, some people feel emotionally triggered during FULL MOON. We should sit under 'Moon light ' to get ourselves illuminate all our hiding within ourselves has the capacity to pull out all our emotions out. Experience it and enjoy the life. 
3. EARTH- Walking barefoot on the grass is one of the simplest , but most powerful techniques for grounding. Its of utmost important that we must always keep ourselves 'Grounded' While doing barefoot walk, earth absorbs all our negative ions, which we have accumulated and fills us with positively charged IONS. 
4. WATER- 75% filled in our body .Blood , lymph, spinal fluid everything water based. Water has memory. Always drink water with positive affirmations, that time it nourishes and heals our body.
 5. FOOD- WE are what we EAT... SIMPLE. The food what we eat is not limited to Mouth, but through skin,  eyes, and ears too . When u use cosmetics, we create a heavy metal load in our system. Same way present life's digital distraction alters our state of mind. So choose high -vibration food for the body and mind goes for long way. Prana and Mind are the two most essential tools in the QUEST. Every religion merge into SUPREME DHARMA which is the UNITY OF ALL EXISTENCE. BRAHMAN pervades all things, it resides in all of us in the form of ATMAN. Both are not TWO, Both are same reality dwelling in both Universe and Individual. YOGA shed light on how to realize the self, while AYURVEDA shows a way so that our physical and mental actions do not deviate from it.

Blog Post By

Narayanan Surya Kumar (CEO - MP Operations And Franchise)


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